Lyscirklen (The Circle of Light) consists of a large team of helpers, healers, guides, masters, light beings, angels, nature devas, etc. from the inner spiritual world, as well as two physical representatives and channels for this entire team. The physical channels are Trine and Birgit, who deliver the messages, treatments and healings from the inner Light Circle group.

We have experience in seeing where you are on your development journey and helping you take the next step in your process.


Lyscirklen’s premises are beautifully located right by the sea.

Trine Lund Kjær. Alternative therapist since 2010. With a gifted ability as a clairvoyant healer. Educated nurse.


Birgit Lund Kjær. Alternative therapist since 1992. Educated phytotherapist, biopath, masseur, kinesiologist, reiki healer, re-connecting healer and nurse.

Presentation of Trine

I have  psychological abilities, which really opened in 2010. The master of the 7th ray, The Count of Saint Germain appeared one day at the clinic to teach my mother and I. Through this teaching, which continued for several months, we received different healing techniques. These techniques turned out to be the start of my work in Lyscirklen (The Circle of Light).

When I heal, I use my clairvoyant abilities and collaborate with the client’s spiritual counselor as the supervisor knows what is best for the client. I am also aneducated nurse and, of course, also use my nursing knowledge in my way of looking at disease and treatment.

Presentation of Birgit

I have worked with kinesiology for approximately  25 years. My Interest in kinesiology started in 1992 and I graduated as a kinesiologist in 1997. Along with the training in the kinesiology association, I became a Communication Kinesiologist at Ellen Langgaard, who afterwards developed the “One Brain Method” into a more intuitive kinesiology form.

Communication kinesiology is a simple and effective way of communicating with the client’s brain and often the subconscious via a muscle test. I use kinesiology together with healing. I am also educated nurse and of course uses my nursing knowledge in the treatments.

“Lyscirklen is working towards a future where healing and meditation are everyday tools for all. We want to make it clear, how simple self-healing can be and that we all have the opportunity to transform problems in ourselves and our in lives. “