Englehealing hos Lyscirklen

In April 2022, we asked Archangel Michael if it would be an idea to create a heavy metal cleansing package, as heavy metals have many harmful effects in the human body.

Archangel Michael replies:

“You should know that heavy metals are dangerous to humans. Cleansing makes you feel unwell and that’s why I’m a bit hesitant to make a specific package. I personally think it’s better to add it to WaterEnergy, so that there is a gradual and quiet cleansing.”

Then comes the World Mother, who stands for WaterEnergy. She makes an angelic greeting with her palms together in front of her chest and says:

“I think it is excellent that you have focused on this particular topic, and I am very willing to place extra focus on cleansing heavy metals in your human energy systems and bodies. Heavy metals have an energetic radiation that is harmful to your energy system, as it interferes with the energy flow in the nadis. By gathering and loosening your energy systems, much like playing the accordion, the metals can be taken out of your system. They should not be allowed to interfere with the proper functioning of the body, brain and energy pathways. In doing so, many diseases will disappear.

We do a gentle and gradual cleansing, as this is the way I work with the WaterEnergy-field. Deal,” the World Mother finally says and retreats.
